Monday, July 13, 2009

Lohan Pains

So I have seen LaLohan's newest film venture and surprisingly really liked it. Also...can we stop for a moment and just look at the poster? I love the poster. It makes me giggle and it kind of makes me want to get a Happy Meal. It exudes this fun energy and I adore it.

Now about the was satisfying in terms of what it was. A pregnant version of Liar, Liar.

Or something like that. Lindsay Lohan was pretty good in it too. The film itself isn't on the level of pregnancy classic Waitress...nor is it on the level of decent bun in the oven flicks Juno or Knocked Up. It's good fun though and I definitely don't regret watching it.
Give Lohan a second chance world. You may be surprised. She might actually clean up her mistake ridden life. Or not...

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